Whale-y Exciting September: Dive into Epic Adventures at Your Library!

The North Little Rock Public Library System is "whale-y" excited to present programs of epic proportions. In the month of September, we will be exploring all things whale! There are so many opportunities to dive into learning and to introduce and foster a love of life science and eco conservation. Kids, adults, teens, and everyone in between—there's something for all ages.

One element you can't miss is our life-size whale tail on display in the Laman Children's Department. In front of the circulation desks, everyone is welcome to see the true scale of these magnificent creatures of the deep. When you stop by, make sure to scan the QR code to access videos on whale communication, lunge feeding, and cetologists (whale scientists)!

On September 12 at 10 AM, Ms. Lauren will be leading us in a "whale-y" fun storytime! There will be stories, games, songs, and TONS to learn about our aquatic friends. As usual, our storytimes are geared toward preschool and elementary-aged patrons. Bring your little library lovers to the Laman Children's Department for more to explore.

Join us on Tuesdays at 3 PM at our Argenta branch for Whale Tale Tuesdays! During this program, we'll offer a variety of hands-on activities designed to broaden our understanding and appreciation of scientific exploration and wildlife at all scales. The good times will keep rolling at our Laman branch for Whale Wednesdays! Join us at 3:30 PM every Wednesday to further explore the wonderful world of whales. We’ll play a Feeding Time Game to learn about Blue Whales’ eating habits, explore echolocation, and write a postcard to a migrating whale.

While there are always after-school programs for teens and kids, we'll be offering a sampling of our whale programming to our home-educated patrons. On September 5 at 1 PM, our Homeschool STEAM Explorers will use ratios to determine the length of a whale! They will also learn how scientists use drones to measure such massive creatures in the ocean. Our very first Teen STEAM will take place on October 18 from 10 to 11 AM. They will explore the techniques and tools scientists use to study these spectacular creatures.

For the main event, join us at the Laman Branch for a whale of a good time at our Family Night! On Thursday, September 28th, we'll have fun on the high seas for the whole family. Children and families are welcome to join us for whale-themed crafts and games, while teens and tweens can enjoy a screening of "Secrets of the Whales" in The Loft. Additionally, a park interpreter from Pinnacle Mountain State Park will join us for a nature presentation!

We hope you "seas" the opportunity to enjoy all of the whale-themed fun at our North Little Rock Libraries. Check out our social media accounts and online calendars to see more details on all of the upcoming opportunities for library patrons of all ages. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Lauren Bradley at Lauren.Bradley@lamanlibrary.org or call 501-758-1720.