Adults Supporting Kids (A.S.K)

Here at the North Little Rock Public Library System, we know literacy is a family affair! That's why we're starting our A.S.K. program- that stands for Adults Supporting Kids. Each month, we'll be hosting a program highlighting a topic that's important for parents and guardians of our youngest patrons at the William F. Laman Public Library. While the parents learn about the topic at hand, our Laman Kids librarians will be engaging children in a program of their own! Parents will be provided a light refreshment for attending so they can enjoy a moment just for them. 

We have several exciting topics coming in the months ahead, and the topics for November and December have been confirmed. In November, our Laman Children's Department Manager, Jill, will be teaching parents about helping your early or struggling readers. Jill, previously an educator, is certified in reading intervention for elementary students and will give practical activities to help young children become readers, OR help struggling readers gain the skills they need to succeed.

Our December A.S.K. program will be provided by the 100 Families initiative of Pulaski County, where they will tell guardians and parents all about community resources that are available to families throughout our city and county! 

For more information, please contact our Laman Children's Department via phone at (501)758-1720 or visit our website each month for the current topic.