2024 Adventures in Reading Challenge - April: Humor

Hello, fellow bookworms! As we transition from the seriousness of March's narrative non-fiction, April showers us with laughter as we embrace the theme of humor for this month's reading challenge. Get ready to chuckle, giggle, and laugh out loud with these uproarious recommendations: 

Find these suggestions and more at your nearest NLRPLS library location!  

April is the perfect time to indulge in the lighter side of literature. Whether it's witty satire, hilarious memoirs, or absurd comedies, there's something for everyone to enjoy. 

Join the April Humor Reading Challenge by picking up one of these comedic gems or exploring other humorous titles that catch your eye. Share your laughter-filled reading experiences with us for a chance to win exciting prizes! 

Don't forget to fill out an entry form at the North Little Rock Public Library or online, and you could be the lucky winner of a gift card to a local restaurant. 

Let's make April a month of joy, laughter, and literary hilarity. Happy reading and may the humor be with you!