Free Prom Shop 2025: Donate Suits and Dresses for Teens

Friends, it's that time again! We're gearing up for our second annual Free Prom Shop, and that means replenishing our stock of suits, dresses, and alternative formal wear for local teens. 

Every year, hundreds of teens miss out on prom and other formal events due to the high cost of formal wear. The North Little Rock Public Library System is proud to meet our teens where they are by providing as many free outfits as possible this season. Last year, more than 100 donated suits and dresses found their perfect fits and made their debuts on dance floors across Central Arkansas! 

If you'd like to be part of this year's incredible experience, we're accepting donations of gently used suits, dresses, and formal wear in modern styles and inclusive sizes. Donations can be dropped off at Laman Library from January 1 through March 30, 2025. 

For questions, please contact Bekah at in the Laman Loft.